Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Death Knight: Unholy

Unholy is a fast, 2-handed weapon wielding DPS spec which deals large amounts of physical and shadow damage and uses a permanent ghoul pet. Unholy is quite versatile and brings various buffs and effects to a group, most notably Anti-Magic Zone, which can save groups. It also applies an 8% magic damage debuff (equivalent to Curse of the Elements or Earth and Moon) innately through Ebon Plague. It suffers from normal melee concerns such as roots and snares. As with all Death Knights, Unholy also provides the STR/AGI buff Horn of Winter.

Death Knight: Frost

Frost is a highly mobile melee DPS spec which rewards proc awareness with spike damage and large amounts of variable damage- by this I mean damage that's just as good single target as it is for AoE. It suffers from the usual melee DPS concerns (roots, etc) as well as the fact that if you need to NOT be using AoE- for example, if you need to not be hitting an add that happens to be near your target- you lose out on quite a bit of damage. Frost provides a raid-wide attack speed buff as well as a 4% melee damage increase on the Death Knight's target. As with all Death Knights, they also provide the STR/AGI buff through Horn of Winter.


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